New in: || Haul 18/03/’15

So a few weeks ago I got contacted by They asked if I wanted to select some items to review for them and of course I had to say yes. I just got my package today and luckily i had no school today, so I haven’t worn the items yet but I did tried it on and because today is probably the only “free” day I have, so I thought I should review it for you guys.

The items

I love shopping, online and offline but I still find it hard to shop online, especially when it comes to asian web stores. You probably already know that most of the online asian stores “copy” items from brands like; Brandy Melville, AmericanApearal (<-especially this one) and High end brands. And I don’t mind it at all. I mean, when you see something that’s very familiar with for example AA then of course you go for the les expensive one. Don’t get me wrong, I love AA and I do own some AA items but I find it quite expensive sometimes.

Then you have a problem with the sizing. What I like about Dresslink is that you can see what asian size is your european size (if that make sense). For example: Asian M is a US(S)4, UK6, AU8. So that’s very convenient unlike other sites where you have to measure everything if you want to play safe.

Most items on their site are below 10 USDollars. And because of their cheap prizes, the shipping can be high. I believe that the shipping costs depends on the weight of your order. So that’s something you should watch out for.

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Black Striped shirt. I love stripes. I always get excited when I can add more in my stripe collection. And lately that’s the only thing I want. It’s a one size and I think that everyone can wear this shirt. It’s very loose and comfy (<– that’s the most important thing). And it fits just perfectly!


Black high waist skirt. Lately I’ve been loving long skirts that are right just above the knee or over the knee, but in a perfect way. And I find it very flattering on asian or short girls. My mom always tells us that wearing a long skirt is more flattering on us than shorter skirts. Because that way we look taller. And I never understood it until now. I got skirt in an Asian M which is an UK6 but I think that if if went a size smaller that it would fit better. It’s not that it’s to big on me but it fits a tiny bit loose on me. As it is a stretch waist band. It doesn’t have any lining, just tje faux leather material which is fine. The only weird thing I find is that the front looks different than the back. You can see the stretch waist band at the back and the front is just normal. It’s not really a problem to me but that way, the pleating on the skirt looks different on both sides. And there’s a zip on the side. To me it’s not necessary to use, because it’s a tiny bit big on me but if I went a size smaller I maybe could use it?


And lastly quality wise. I’m very happy with the quality. And I cannot wait to get some more of them!.



*Everything is written with my honest opinions.

5 thoughts on “New in: || Haul 18/03/’15

    1. Moet je cker een keer gaan doen! je kan daar soveel vinden, maar pas op voor de verzend kosten:p (die kunnen wat hoog sijn)


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