Planner/Journal || Stationary

Day by day, I get confused with every important appointments I have for school. A few months ago, I realised how important it was to keep your agenda organised and note every important appointments regarding exams and days of presentations. So I started to keep everything in track in my phone. Continue reading

It’s been a while

Hi guys! How have you been? Enjoying the holidays and all the food? It’s finally time to post something up again. By the time you’re reading this, I’ll be on my way to Paris.

Last week I’ve finished up with my 3rd school project. And I made some things for you guys and for the project. Today I’ll show you a sneak peak, or maybe you’ve already seen it on my instagram..

mekopie _MG_9574 _MG_9555 _MG_9554 GV4E_LiuEllen_Glamcultpre21

50 days of summer project || Starts now!

Hello july

Hello July and hello summer holidays!

As I already mentioned before, I will be doing a 50 days of summer project which contains 5 different categories. Don’t worry this won’t be the first post of the project.

Each day will be different and it will come online at night before or after 12am. Because I still have to work by day and don’t have that much of time to work on the project during day time. But don’t worry, this is only for 4 weeks and after that I can work on this project during day time :).


I made 5 different icons for each category, just to make everything easier to manage.

Graphic design

You all know that I’m a Graphic Design student and I illustrate quite a lot (especially at my internship). And that’s why I want to include it in this project too. This blog is only about fashion, lifestyle and DIY but for this project I will put everything on here and on my portfolio. So it’s kinda a win-win for this blog and my portfolio, don’t you think?


I love traveling and I’ll be going to travel to 2 places this summer! *excited* what can you expect from this? I will make lists with nice places where I’ve been too from this trip. Just think of lists with good place to eat, to shop or just chill and relax. Do note that I might no be able to come online during my trips. It depends on the wifi connection.


Ofcourse I need to practice my photography skills. (my sister would be happy with that) Do I need to say more?


This project isn’t complete without fashion. Here I will do more Outfit of the days photo’s, favorites and hauls.



And lastly, DIY and Crafts. I can tell you that I have a list with DIY’s! And I want to do them all this summer.

So far my main categories, and more will come! Now you all will ask, “why did you made them in stamps?” Well I made my own stamps and postcards for my school paperwork. And I used the stamps that I made for each subject I’m talking about. And I love the way it looks.

Are you ready? Because I am.